Automatic fishing
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3 pk. Autosett Medium Combi

Autosett AS

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3 pk. Autosett Combi Medium / Small

Medium Auto set with stainless steel hooks for small fishing in the sea but also with hook set for trout fishing in fresh water.
This fishing set is suitable for whiting, pike, saithe and not for very large fish in the sea. It is also great for trout in fresh water. Mark hook no. 4 from Mustad
included for fresh water.

The tool sets itself! Fishing by itself! Instructions for use: Loosen the weight, place the bait on hooks and release. The line rolls out until the weight reaches the bottom and stops. The tool is now anchored and floating. The fishing has started!

Autosett Medium Combi in modern look and new size. Intended for fjord fishing,

On YouTube you can see more about Autosett.


Weight: 500 grams.

Hooks: 3 pcs stainless Nr. 3. Mustad for fjord fishing in the sea, and 3 pcs Nr.4 Mustad for trout fishing in fresh water.

Weight: 800 grams.

Lace: 60 meters.

Dimensions: 240 mm x 150 mm x 48 mm

Materials: Plastic, rubber, nylon and stainless steel.

Packaging: Plastic and cardboard.

How to use Autosett sniper line: Loosen the weight from sniper line, put bait on the hooks and release. Autoset sniper line rolls out by itself, when the weight when the bottom stops it and starts fishing. You can fish with many at once while having a coffee or fishing with a rod. As bait we use mackerel, shrimp, herring and field. If you have chart plotters / sonar, it's fantastic! You can then finn navigate over a top, hole or edge as you see fish on the echo sounder and release the line in the right place. If you put out several Autosets, you may want to try a little different depth to find out where the fish are. If you have chart plotters, it is a good idea to plot where you put them or just put on the tow line so it is easy to find them again.

Maintenance: Flush with fresh water and store inside.

Recycling: Plastic in plastic waste hooks in metal waste.

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