Automatic fishing
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Fishing tips


Hi, I'm Sigbjørn and have developed all the products for Autosett AS. is an online fish shop. An online store with a carefully selected assortment of sniper lines, fishing hooks and weights.

Here it is everyday and not very solemn. Want you to enjoy yourself and get a little more fish with some sniper lines out while you enjoy yourself with the rod. Fishing a lot with a rod, fishing for sea trout and salmon. It's fun when the tendon erupts!

Will try to help you get more fish and use Autosett in a sensible way. Can answer some questions here if there are any more people wondering. We have FB and messenger.

Use good weather then everything is much easier.

Good luck !


10.04.2019. Hi it's going towards spring. The ancients always said when the birch leaves become like mouse ears you can start fishing in fresh water.

11.04.2019 Fishing trip today with Autosett sniper line. Nice morning with sun and little wind. Fishes from 85 meters to 40 meters. There were 3 cod, 1 haddock and some whiting. It was a small move from Norøst. Uses to say that Norøst is poor man's wind, this is bad fishing wind. You may want to familiarize yourself with the tide table when you go fishing, just search for tides and enter place names, then you have a full overview. When there is high tide and low tide, it is quiet and usually little bite in the fish.

03.05.2021 Autosett Small.

Good feedback on Autosett Small. It's a lot of fun, lots of trout and perch are caught. It fishes best if you fish in the ground from 3 - 10 meters, of course it depends a bit on temperature. Fishes often best in spring and early summer, if the water is too hot it will often be worse. Fishes best with small red fields. The wind is also important, south and east winds are nice.

07.05.2021 News Trout line!

Fishing equipment for those who want to hike in the mountains with low weight and get trout for dinner. Lina weighs only 90 grams, has 12 hooks and is 25 meters long. You do not need a boat for this line, but you should have two people to put it out. One person sits and baits with land and releases while the other pulls the line over with a fishing rod or a line.

Put the line in the evening and go the next morning. Someone puts out two lines, just to put snapsvin in the floating element (Autosett), it's fine because then you get a flow in the middle of the lines, and you can then see when it nips. If there are a lot of fish on it, it can be fine and hold a little at the other end so you get the line up nicely. Remove the fish and put the hooks in place after a while, otherwise it will quickly curl the line. Use small or medium mark.



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